SO.... as you can see we have been a little busy. OH! And we MOVE TO GERMANY in like 3 days!!!!! WHAT?!!? it's so crazy. Our life is so crazy right now, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.... not even a Yorkie puppy.
Here are some photo highlights from the places we have been in the last few weeks!
MEXICO: We spend a week in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico a the Paradise Village. It was SOOOOOO fun! It was me and my brother's like 4th or 5th time going there but me and my husband's first together, so it was really nice to escape and relax a bit.... well, a lot. :) We had so many fun adventures while in Mexico. There next few pictures show some of those adventures, like having a little zoo at the resort full of tigers, going para sailing and catching a Mahi Mahi on our fishing trip!

BACK TO NAPA, CA: After Mexico we spent another 5 days in Napa. This was great because we got to throw a little party for us to be able to share some Germany information with all of the CA people that we love but hardly ever get to see. That evening was amazing, and you can read more about it on our Germany blog. We also just chilled with our family a lot and really tried to enjoy being in CA for the last time until after Germany and who knows how much longer after that. It was very sad to leave. I don't think I have been that homesick-y kind of sad when leaving so many times before, but it was really hard to say goodbye this time. We'll be back friends and family to see you soon! In the mean time, Skype with us please!!!!
VIRGINIA: We were in Virginia for 3 full days to see my mother in law's side of the family, It was fun because both of my hubby's siblings were there and I just love them so much. We went to a crazy huge fourth of July party and did a lot of eating and playing games. My grandparents in law live on an old plantation, the Love Plantation and it was so pretty! I had never been to Virginia before, so that was really fun to be able to go somewhere new!