As of last Friday, Ryan and I have been done with language school. Going to language school was one of the hardest experiences of my life, but now that it's over... I miss it terribly. When we first got to Jena and kind of figured out our schedule and the price of school, we decided that we would do 3 months in language school and 3 months not, so that we could focus on other things. We knew that we would greatly improve our language skills through this process and meet a lot of people, but I don't think we really expected the great joy that this opportunity would bring to us. Through our German classes we have met so many amazing people, and God has blessed us with some awesome friends through this experience. They are from all over the world, maybe speak English or German :) and are just so wonderful.
It's exciting to have more time in our day for other learning opportunities now, but I already miss being in the classroom with my friends, learning this crazy language. We're praying that God allows us to continue these friendships even outside of school. And of course that our German can also keep improving. Would you pray for us for those things also? It is so hard to believe that we are already half way through this internship! But we are excited to see what this new chapter has in store for us.

These pictures are from the 2 birthday parties my German class had while Ryan and I were still in the school. No, we didn't have a party and eat cake EVERYday :)