This is what it has been looking like outside our window the last few days! It doesn't look so pretty in the pic, but believe me... snowy Germany is lovely! Especially with the Christmas market in the city center and the mountains surrounding the valley of Jena :) It is pretty dang cold though, and when you don't have a car things can get preeetttyyy chilly!
Despite my having to go out all the time to meet with different schools wanting me to teach English, and actually teaching the classes... I have been cramming in some more felting! Here is a little pic of what our kitchen looks like these days.

Just completed these two little felted pouches. The purple on is big enough to hold a little digital camera and the green one is perfect for my iPod Touch! These were project #3 in my online felting class! I'm having a blast with this!

ANNNDDDD.... We got Christmas gifts from my parents!!! My Mom wanted us to open them early so we did, last night! In case you don't know, Dillon Beach is on the northern coast of CA and was always my favorite beach to go to. And then I met Ryan and we would go there sometimes too, and I would always tease him about having his own beach (our last name is Dillon). SO... my prents sent us a whole life time supply of Dillon Beach accessories! These sweatshirts are goingt obe a fave of ours in this cold weather! Thanks Mom and Dad!

Well, I have t get going because I'm teaching an English class today. I just wanted to wish Everyone a blessed and happy December! This is our last month in Germany, keep us in your prayers as we strat winding things up and having to say goodbye to our dear friends here. Now, go decorate your Christmas tree and make some yummy cookies or something... Christmas is almost here!!!
how did you get the top of your blog to have a collage of all of those pictures??!!