A week ago, Sunday, was the main conference day where different KM missionaries got to set up tables to showcase their different ministries as well as tell a huge crowd of other workers and supporters about KM and the work that they are doing all around the world!

The very first picture on this post as well as the one below are both of the view from our hotel room our very first night at the conference (sooooo beautiful)! After this first night all of the mission workers all went over to a different little village to a retreat center to have more of a retreat/ community building/ sharing time for the rest of the week.

We had a wonderful speaker come to the retreat who shared great lessons on living and working a holy life within your church as well as your family. It was great to have a time to be filled with encouraging lessons and stories. There was also a lot of time devoted to sharing about our different ministries, singing (in a crazy little combo of English and German), laughing, crying, dreaming as well as planning, meeting great new friends as well as reconnecting with old ones. It was such an encouraging and heart warming trip- We can't wait to go again next year!!! It was especially good to see the people that we worked with in Jena again! I had missed them so much!

The whole experience really left me with a sense of family. Even with so many different cultures, languages, ages, and talents- these are the people who get me. These are the people who I'm going to turn to for answers to my questions, for advise, for help when I can't figure out how I'm supposed to raise my children in a foreign country, when raising support is too overwhelming, when I don't know how to do Visa stuff, when ministry is at it's best ...or worst. So all in all- it was one heck of a short week given all the traveling that was involved, but it was so worth it!
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