We also went one last time to our most favorite little coffee shop in Lincoln to say goodbye to the owners Ed and Ronda <3 And of course get some Chi!

Anyway, we got to the camp grounds and first of all, the bugs were attacking in swarms. So then everyone was miserable and living in a cloud of bug spray. We did manage to still have some fun, relax, read and enjoy the fresh buggy air.
Even the puppy had fun!

We roasted hot dogs over the fire (veggie dogs for me!) and had a beautiful spinach, sweet pepper, strawberry salad. Yum! It was just so good to be able to escape with good friends to do nothing but.... well, nothing!

We all stayed in Ben and Becky's huuuuuge tent that could probably fit like 15 people and stayed up late playing euchre and eating gummy worms :) All was well and peaceful.... that is until the SEVERE thunder storm let loose around 1:00am! Our tent almost caved in, a tree right next to us blew over, lighting was shooting everywhere, rain was soaking our sleeping bags and the peace died. We moved our sleeping bags and tired scared bodies into our cars to try and sleep some the rest of the night. Around 6 am the storm had well passed, Ryan couldn't sleep in the car and made me get up with him to move back into the tent. This was a good idea since we all moved back into the somewhat dry tent and slept until 9am! ahhhh, that was nice. So we got up and decided to leave the EVEN BUGGIER camp grounds and get some food. So we pack everything up, it is starting to rain again, we go to start our car and it's DEAD. crap.

After we got that taken care of, we got some food, went back to Ben and Becky's house, made and ate some delish oatmeal flax seed pancakes with strawberries (sooooo good!), watched old movies, and took lovely naps! So all in all, it turned out to be a very wonderful get away after all! It was an adventure, that's for sure! And now we're just trying to recover from the hundreds of bug bites.
-Elyse Aubrie
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