So, our HUGE Garage Sale is coming up fast! We have had like 10 different families donate awesome things and more is coming! We brought most of all of our stuff down from Lincoln tonight and just started to try and sort some things. It's going to be a massive project that's for sure.
We want to thank everyone who has and is going to donate stuff to our sale, we really appreciate it sooooo much!

We hope people stop by THIS Fri and Sat to buy some of our stuff :) We have a lot of really nice things such as;
A Stroller
A push lawn mower (as seen in the picture)
A Dining Table with 4 matching chairs and a matching chest
Tons of designer and slightly worn ladies clothing
Children's Clothing (great condition!)
Men's clothing
Crystal Decor
Home decor
Children's toys/ accessories/ and clothing
Also, I will be there with my Handmade by Elyse items for a Blow Out Sale! So come over if you're interested in any of my earrings, purses, scarves, or soaps! (At a great discount price!)
All proceeds from this sale go to help Ryan and I go and serve in Jena, Germany. We will be doing an internship with a church there for 6 months starting in July and are still in need of some of the funds needed to do so. So come on over and help us out by buying a few shirts or a desk! Help send us to Germany!!! Thanks all!
Very excited to be there tomorrow! I pretty much just really wanna be with my Elyse:)