I wanted to give you all a peek into my world here for a minute :) I am ALWAYS drawing inspiration from people and am constantly on the lookout for blogs to follow or websites to always be checking into. I wanted to show you a few that over the past year or so have been inspiring me almost everyday. Maybe from sharing these with you, you'll be able to understand a little more about why I am the way I am :) But hopefully, you too will be inspired by the wonderful words, ideas, art, love of Jesus, photographs, lifestyles of these different people and websites!
The first FOUR blogs are actually done by the same person! (That's even more than I have!!!) Anyway, I first heard about this special family from one of
Gretchen Magruder's blog posts, and ever since then I have been HOOKED. Sarah Janssen's first blog,
The Happy Janssens, is all about their life on the road! They live in a sweet decked out RV and have so many stories to share!

Her next blog,
Walk Slowly Live Wildly, is more of a personal one where she is always talking about family, God, photography, dreadlocks and so much more! Her blog is my inspiration for starting my own more personal blog outside of the
Dillons in Deutschland one. So many wonderful words, stories an photos in this blog :)

And her NEXT blog is the hooping one,
The Happy Hoop!!!! Ahhhh, hooping. It makes me happy just typing out the word :) She is also a hoop lover and so many videos, ideas and resources available on this site. Unlike me, she is actually suuuuper good at hooping and has much advice to give!

And FINALLY her last blog;
The Happy Foody. This is where I first found out about the wonderful and amazing green smoothy. So many great ideas for foody type people :)

And now for
Boho Girl. I love this blog because the woman who writes it is just so honest with her posts and is a very spiritual creative person. She always has a lot of photos (she is a professional photographer) as well as great stories and inspirational thoughts. (....and awesome dreads.... teehee)

The next blog is brought to you by
Juniper Moon Farm. This tells the story of a ex news reported in NYC who decided having a fiber farm was a better idea! Susan Gibbs has a farm out in Virgina where she raises goats and sheep for fiber. Her yarns are gorgeous! She also has beautiful dogs, cute mini pigs, chickens, bees and wonderful writing skills! Her blogs always crack me up.... and leave me wanting some sheep of my own!

And now for Etsy. I don't have to say much about why I love this site :) It's kinda what I'm all about. I don't have my Handmade by Elyse shop running right now since we're in Germany, but be sure to check out the other sellers! Buy Handmade!

So!, That's it.... for now :) Hope you are able to enjoy these sites as much as I do! Let me know if you too get sucked in by any of their magnetic pulls!
What inspires you? Do you have any awesome blogs/ sites that you draw from everyday? Please share!
-elyse aubrie